Personal Training


Personal Training

Personal Training or otherwise personal training-exercise is the exercise method where, in general, the trainee works out in a space exclusively for him with the one-to-one method, and is guided and supervised by the personal trainer having the opportunity for individual care and dedication.

The Personal Trainer creates a program, designed individually for each trainee and the goals he wants to achieve, which is based on physical condition, special needs and personal history, ensuring the best possible results.

With the guidance of the Personal Trainer, each exercise is fully monitored and supervised so that it is performed in the correct way, achieving better results and reducing the risk of injuries.

The success of Personal Training is based on the combination of modern exercises as targeted muscle groups are trained at alternating pace and intensity.
Essentially, it is the smart and fast way to achieve the body you desire by combining weight loss, toning or muscle gain, with the constant support of a trainer enhancing your daily well-being, confidence and health.

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